Friday, February 3, 2012

BOOTSYDOOPSY - Introduction

BOOTSYDOOPSY is a newly born fashion blogger. With the author name, Wulan Wu (it's me itself), 18 y.o ordinary girl who start falling head over heels with shoes in many ways, she begins to start blogging to talk and share about her shoes and fashion. Besides love, all she needs to fill her soul are shoes, then she will be full.
Her shoes collection aren't that much, but by the time goes, she's going to increase her collection.

Well, BootsyDoopsy has just had an affair relationship with shoes and start to share it in this blog.
So in the name of BootsyDoopsy and the author, we kindly request your support :)


  1. welcome to blogspot!

    1. hahahaha, still need to learn a lot, thank you for your support! followed :))
